

St. Martin's Polyptych, created by a master painter of Italian Renaissance Vittore Carpaccio for the Cathedral of St. Anastasia in Zadar, is an artwork of great importance for Croatian and world cultural heritage. Recent comprehensive conservation of the damaged polyptych undertaken at the Croatian Conservation Institute strived to restore the original value of the masterpiece.


The painting 'St Mary Magdalene, St Blaise, the Archangel Raphael with Tobias and the Donator' was painted by Tiziano Vecellio around 1550. After several repairs and an attack on the painting during 19th and 20th century, this valuable work was properly conserved in the Zagreb workshop of the Croatian Conservation Institute between 2001 and 2006. Today it is exhibited again in the Dominican monastery in Dubrovnik.

Polyptych by Paolo Veronese in Vrboska on the island of Hvar


The 16th-century paintings by Paolo Veronese, conserved in the Croatian Conservation Institute, belong to one of the wealthiest painting collections of Dalmatia, which is kept in the church of St. Lawrence in Vrboska on the island of Hvar. They belong to the polyptych of the main altar. The complex multiannual conservation project encompassed eight paintings on wood and canvas which originally made up the polyptych, and a wooden gilded tabernacle which is believed to have belonged to the unity of the polyptych.


The conservation of six paintings with scenes from the life of St. Domnius, a martyr from Ancient Salona is coming to an end. The paintings from the choir of the Cathedral in Split were painted by Pietro Ferrari in the 17th century. Due to a high degree of damage these large-format canvases had suffered, they became an object of complex conservation and restoration treatments, which had been carried out at the Institute since 1998.

Lanfranco and Scrivelli – Two Giovannis of the Parish Church in Lastovo


Conservation research have cast new light on issues of authorship of the six panels of the polyptych from the main altar of the Parish Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian in Lastovo – four of them were attributed to Giovanni Lanfranco and the remaining two to Giovanni Scrivelli. The paintings were later restored at the Croatian Conservation Institute, where injuries were treated, unstable parts were consolidated and traces of previous interventions removed, thus giving the paintings back an appearance of their original splendour.


Conservation and restoration works on the painting and the decorative frame brought back to life the original appearance of the portrait of the Bishop of Hvar Joakim Maria Pontalti. Kept in the museum of the Bishopric, the portrait is a work of an unknown 18th century Venetian painter. The artwork was seriously endangered by the deformation of the canvas and the flaking of the paint layer.

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