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Wall Paintings in St. Helen's Church in Oprtalj

The Romanesque Chapel of St. Helen near Oprtalj is one among many Istrian churches with valuable wall paintings dating from the Late Middle Age period. The wall paintings in the apse and on the triumphal arch are a work of master Cleriginus II from Koper, painted in the first half of the 15th century. Conservators found the wall paintings heavily damaged – wide and deep cracks cut through the wall paintings in the apse in several places. Among a large number of lacunae of the damaged plaster layers some even revealed the stone structure. In some areas the wall paintings were subsequently overpainted using a coating which had firmly bound to the background. Complex conservation and restoration procedures ensued, aiming to consolidate the building, remove the subsequent plaster and paint off the inner walls and protect, consolidate and reintegrate the original layers.
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Comprehensive multidisciplinary research of Veliki Tabor Castle, carried out by the Croatian Conservation Institute since 1995, has yielded new information about the castle. On the basis of the research results, long and very demanding conservation work, building and artisanal activities aimed at conserving the castle commenced in 2006. Over two construction phases, the pentagonal keep and courtyard galleries were renovated, the wall structures and all the ceilings were completely repaired, and the dilapidated roof structure and roofing were replaced. The conservation campaign encompassed wall paintings and stone elements, and the museum spaces were made operational. On completion of the second phase of work in the autumn of 2011, after nearly four years, Veliki Tabor was again opened to visitors.
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In the course of the 2006 construction works in a first-floor room of the northern wing of the Pauline monastery in Lepoglava, while removing a partition wall, a fragment of a wall painting was discovered. Executed in lime painting technique, it measures 380×35/40 cm. The fragment is only preserved in the length and width of the partition wall, but was once part of a larger painted medallion on the room's vaulting, as indicated by the remains of stucco mouldings on its edges. Multiple lime-wash coatings were found on top of the paint layer, which points to fact that it had been hidden even before the partition wall was erected.
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The vaulting of the Baroque Church of St. Florian in Varaždin is decorated with six medallions painted in the fresco secco technique. Before the systematic conservation and restoration works were launched in 2008, the vaulting had been covered in a paint layer of decorative motifs, probably dating from the 19th century, and in two older lime coatings. After the overpaint had been removed, painted scenes with Baroque style characteristics were uncovered. Based on the way the drawing was built and the morphology of the figures, the paintings were attributed to Blaž Gruber.