Zagreb, December 2013
Text by: Ksenija Škarić
The booklet is published to mark the partial completion of conservation work on the Gothic choir stalls in St. Anastasia Cathedral in Zadar. Originally painted in vivid colours, the richly decorated and manifold stalls (with as many as 54 seats) were made by the Venetian wood carver Matej Moronzon on the commission of the Archbishop of Zadar Luka Turriani of Fermo in 1418.
Research and conservation conducted in the Croatian Conservation Institute (2010-2013) revealed information about the original appearance of the stalls and the multiple renovations in the course of their history, which had altered their appearance and location. The most conspicuous intervention on the stalls is dated between 1883 and 1885, when the surfaces were repainted in dark brown colour and figures in relief were painted and partially gilded.
Booklet, in Croatian [PDF: 2,4 mb]