Brochures and Booklets
Brochures and Booklets
The brochure was featured with the exhibition of conservation-restoration work on the Lovro Dobričević polyptych from the main altar of the Franciscan Church of St. Mary in Danče. Experts from the Croatian Conservation Institute conducted the work, in cooperation with other conservation experts from Croatia and Florence, Italy.
The brochure was issued for the exhibition of ten restored graphic prints from the Dubrovnik Museums. The prints were made in renowned Italian printmaking workshops, and date from the 16th to the 18th century. The brochure brings a concise presentation of conservation-restoration carried out in the Dubrovnik Department for Conservation.
The brochure brings the timeline of establishment and activity of the Ludbreg Restoration Centre. The centre was founded out of the necessity for urgent evacuation of church and museum artefacts from the war stricken regions in Croatia. A »War hospital for artworks«, as it was often referred to in those years, the Ludbreg Conservation Centre was established in 1992 in the Batthyány Castle.
The brochure gives an account of the establishment and activity of the Osijek Department for Conservation. The newly renovated and equipped Department building was opened in 1999, following a several decades-old idea to establish a conservation workshop in Osijek.
The brochure details the founding and activity of the Dubrovnik Department for Conservation. Since its establishment in 1993, the Department has left a visible trace in saving artistic treasures and cultural heritage from the Dubrovnik region, especially in the years of post-war recovery.
The brochure was issued for the opening of a new Croatian Conservation Institute’s building in Split. This event also featured an exhibition of some of the more prominent artworks restored in the workshop, since its foundation in 1954.