Editor: Janja Ferić Balenović
Publisher: Croatian Conservation Institute
Zagreb, 2010
Languages: Croatian, English, French
404 pp., soft cover, 73×29,7 cm
ISBN: 978-953-7389-09-3
RP: 120,00 HRK (available at Sveučilišna knjižara Dominović)
ICOR - International Conference on Conservation-Restoration, Book of Proceedings comprises 33 lectures by Croatian and foreign experts, covering these topics:
- organization of the conservation-restoration activity,
- training and further development in the conservation-restoration activity and
- development and role of conservation-restoration activity in an overall cultural and economic development.
Editorial foreword
Introductory remarks
MILJENKO DOMIJAN: Overview of cultural assets in the Republic of Croatia
Section I / Groupe I
The Organisation of the Conservation-Restoration activity / Organisation de l’activité de conservation-restauration
FERDINAND MEDER: Organization and the conservation-restoration activity
MICHAEL KÜHLENTHAL: The idea, the activities and the organisation of state conservation and restoration studios
MANFRED KOLLER: Public and private conservation-restoration in Austria: Benefits and problems
MONICA MARTELLI CASTALDI: E.C.C.O., the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers‘ Organizations. A review of its role and activities in relation to the exercise of the profession
HANS-CHRISTOPH VON IMHOFF: Conservator-restorers of material cultural heritage – aspects and development of their profession since WWII
TAMÁS FEJÉRDY: Restoration and/or reconstruction
CARLO CHENIS: Le concept d’»authenticité« dans les interventions sur des oeuvres d’art. Perspective théorétique
GÉRARD GOUDAL: Patrimoine en France – restauration et protection, des compétences partagés
EVA-MARIA HÖHLE: The present situation for protection of monuments in Austria
ANCA HANNA DERER: Challenging the limits – on the preservation of cultural heritage in Romania
SREBRENKA BOGOVIĆ (ZESKOSKI): Art conservation in Canada
KIRA PETKOVSKA: The status, funding methods and economic goals of conservation and restoration actions related to the cultural heritage of the Republic of Macedonia
Section II / Groupe II
Training and Further Development in the Conservation-Restoration Activity /Formation initiale et continue pour les travaux de conservation-restauration
MAURIZIO MICHELUCCI: La formation des restaurateurs-conservateurs en Italie. Petits nombres pour l’excellence
ERWIN EMMERLING: Education in conservation-restoration
SÉGOLENE BERGEON LANGLE: La formation des restaurateurs du patrimoine a l’INP (Paris) : spécialité, interdisciplinarité et cinq ans
ALASTAIR MCCAPRA: Education and training – some perspectives from the UK
MARC MAIRE: Aspects, contexte et enjeux de la formation a la conservation-restauration en France
MATEJA KAVČIČ, ELENA SIMEONOV: Training in historic building conservation. The challenge of national vocational qualification
DAHLIA MEES: Evolution et organisation de la formation a la conservation-restauration du patrimoine artistique en Belgique. Evolution de la profession de conservateur-restaurateur en Belgique et structures administratives en charge du patrimoine
IVO MAROEVIĆ, ZLATKO JURIĆ, FRANO DULIBIĆ: Education for the protection of monuments at the Zagreb Faculty of Philosophy
ANDREJ ARANICKI: Undergraduate course in art restoration-conservation at the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Zagreb
LARISA ARANZA, SAGITA MIRJAM SUNARA: On the MA course in conservation-restoration at the Academy of Arts of the University of Split
ANTUN KARAMAN: Restoration and conservation of artefacts made of wood, paper, textile, metal and ceramics
LUCIJA MOČNIK RAMOVŠ: Development of Bologna programmes at the Department of restoration of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design
WERNER KOCH: Importance of practical training in education of restorers – the example of the Restoration course at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam
MYKOLA I. ORLENKO, INNA P. DOROFIENKO: Restorer training as one of the factors in preserving national cultural heritage
Section III / Groupe III
The Development and Role of the Conservation-Restoration Activity in Cultural and Economic Development / Evolution et rôle de l’activité de conservation-restauration dans le développement culturel et économique
JADRAN ANTOLOVIĆ: Conservation-restoration and economic development
XAVIER GREFFE: The French cultural properties policy
JELKA PIRKOVIČ: Framework convention of the Council of Europe on the value of cultural heritage for society – a challenge to integrated conservation
DAMIR DIJAKOVIĆ: Communication of heritage
APARNA TANDON: Creativity, collaboration and coexistence: integrating heritage conservation with development
IVANA BURĐELEZ: Restoration and conservation of the vernacular architecture for social housing – Konavle case study
MLADEN OBAD ŠĆITAROCI, DAMIR KRAJNIK, VEDRAN IVANKOVIĆ, NIKŠA BOŽIĆ: INTERREG project »VILLAS«. Castles and villas – cultural heritage as a driver of economic development