Seminar and workshop, Ludbreg, Croatian Conservation Institute / Ludbreg Conservation Centre, 21st-24th March 2002
The four-day professional conference held in the Ludbreg Conservation Centre drew about 140 participants for the first day’s lectures and about 30 participants for the workshop programme - the Croatian Conservation Institute’s restoration experts, members of the “Anka Ospuh” folklore group from Ludbreg, curators from the Ethnographic Museum as well as from various regional museums (Ludbreg, Varaždin, Čakovec, Koprivnica), professors and last-year students from the Varaždin School of Textiles and primary school art teachers.
The seminar provided an introduction to various types of weaving techniques and embroidery and demonstrated how the loom is operated. It presented various ways in which weaved and embroidered ethnographic materials can be preserved and protected and enabled the participants to recognise the more basic types of weaving techniques and materials found on folk costumes, as well as to master the more basic weaving techniques on the loom and the craft of embroidery from patterns transferred from original materials.
An exhibition was also staged, entitled “Poculice (married women’s headwear) of the Podravina Region”.
- Nerina Eckl, Etnographic Museum, Zagreb
- Vesna Zorić, Etnographic Museum, Zagreb
- Bernarda Rundek-Franić, Croatian Conservation Institute, Zagreb
- Sandra Lucić-Vujičić, Croatian Conservation Institute, Zagreb
- Branka Regović, Croatian Conservation Institute, Zagreb
- Gordana Car, Croatian Conservation Institute, Zagreb
- Lidija Šodec, Croatian Conservation Institute, Zagreb
- Marija Mance, Primary School, Sveta Marija na Muri
- Venija Bobnjarić-Vučković, Croatian Conservation Institute, Ludbreg